Monday, May 30, 2011

The Unkind Months

Hello again, fans of fiction, family members, and friends I went to school with. Alas, your faithless scribe has no new publications to report. I submitted but one story to one journal since last I blogged, and it was rejected.

April and May are ordinarily months of joy, but 2011 was different. Struggles with romance, finance, and my own psyche have distracted from the authorial calling. Rather than showers and flowers came tornadoes, both real and allegorical, each scattering debris in its wake.

But summer approaches. Love lies bleeding, yet draws its ragged breath. My darling daughter returns to home school next year. Hope survives, or has been resurrected.

A coming issue of Clockwise Cat will feature my poem, "Coffee Shop Renegades". Upon posting this missive, I will edit the previously-mentioned rejected story and try again. And soon, I will once more take up the plodding task of peddling my novel, Midnight Prayers and Comic Books, to publishers of working-class Appalachian literature.

You heard it here first. Perhaps these actions will inspire some new short fiction. Regardless, remain calm in the meantime, exercise, and drink plenty of fluids.